Golf Clinic

Local and Family Owned  |  Heated Hitting Bays  |  Indoor Simulators

Local and Family Owned

Range Card Specials

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Get Golf Lessons From the Experts

Grab the opportunity of booking a private or group lesson with a PGA professional. We focus on giving student-athletes an advantage. Along with adults planning to work on their game in the winter, we also offer to nurture high school and college students and prepare them for the upcoming season.

Our driving range has been used to teach the game of golf to younger generations. We welcome all institutions that want to utilize our new facility.

The team at Range Time believes that all the student-athletes here will have an advantage once the golfing season starts.

Golf practice begins in spring for boys high school students. Since spring in Sturtevant is very harsh, it is very difficult for these boys to play well right away when the golfing season starts. We provide them a facility to improve their game even during February and March.

Being a locally owned company, we want to help the golfers in our local community. The owner of the company loves the game very much as it has been in his family for a long time. Call us to learn more. Rest assured knowing that we return all customer inquiries within 24 hours.

Meet Our Professionals...

Get Golf Classes Today

We train students and adults.

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Pete Eitel

Head PGA Professional
33 Years Teaching Experience

Adults & Juniors: $60 per 45 Minutes
All Sessions Use Video
Direct: 262.930.3404

Ian Schaefer

Assistant Professional
12 Years Teaching Experience

Adults: $40

Juniors: $30 per ½ Hour
Direct: 262.488.1352

Brian Eitel

Assistant Professional   

Adults: $35

Juniors $25 per ½ Hour

Direct: 262.930.5634

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